Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The truth behing success

The blog would not let me upload my graph that i created, but it is a graph that shows the fact that of those students who attend community college and transfer to a four year school only 3.3% complete a degree and of those students who go right to a four year institution from high school 80% complete a 4 year degree.

This image is extremely significant because it demonstrates how those students who transfer are not prepared for what is ahead of them. It proves the point that commnunity colleges are not acting as a stepping stone for students transfering to four year institutions, but are more or less preparing them to fail. It demonstrates how community colleges are really not the best path to take because in the end the money you save is paying for the extra credits you have to take because you fail and the school is not setting you up for the future.

1 comment:

  1. You probably need to convert your graph to a .jpg or .gif or png format. The easiest way is, on a MAC, to use Control+Shift+4 to capture the image. Then you can upload it.
