Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Bourke, Brian, Claire H. Major, and Michael S. Harris. "Images of Fictional Community College
Students." Community College Journal of Research & Practice 33.1 (2009): 55-69.
Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 24 Feb. 2010.
In this source there are 52 other sources cited. A few that I have used in my research so far are B.T. Long who
establishes the statistics of what percent of honor students attend community colleges and
four year colleges, Quick, D., Lehmann, J., & Deniston, T. who bring up the point of the
types of students that enroll in community colleges and four year colleges and what that
says about community colleges, and DeGenaro, W. who shows us the portrayal of
community colleges in fictional media. This source will help make the reader understand
how community college is looked at from other perspectives and will aid in the
understanding of the types of needs that students attending community college need.

Cohen, Arthur M., and Florence B. Brawer. The American Community College. 5th ed. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008. Print.This book demonstrates what the American Community College system is like. It talks of how the schools are run and what types of students attend these schools. In different areas, specific community colleges are better than others and this book helps bring out what makes one school better than the other. This will help in realizing how much more difficult it is for a student to transfer from one community college to a four year school than another.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am intrigued by the source you have analyzing "the community college student" in fictional literature. But how are going to use that in your paper? Are you going to use it to identify stereotypes? What research or information can you use to analyze the validity of these stereotypes?

    By the way: you could yourself analyze a literary piece as a primary source in your paper. But you would have to find a good one that speaks to the stereotypes you identify. If you settle on a book or other fictional text, let me know - I may want to read or view it myself.

    (Pay attention when pasting from other programs into blogger - you need to get rid of the breaks or returns that break up your text, as in that first entry.

    I can see how Cohen and Brawer may offer you ways of analyzing the validity of fictional stereotypes.

    This looks good. But give more details about how you are going to use these sources in yoru paper or how they might speak to each other. Also, you might give a quote from each.
